Managing the Impact of Climate Change on our Defense Infrastructure Requires a Regional Approach:
“As defense communities are home to America’s military and our nation’s critical defense infrastructure, we applaud President Biden’s recent action on climate change, highlighting this issue as a centerpiece to national security. The threats climate change pose to our defense infrastructure do not stop at the fence line – they impact entire communities, regions, and their economy. As DoD works to tackle this issue, the approach must be coordinated with local communities and regions through continued cooperation and direct investment. We urge the administration and Congress to fully utilize investments in programs such as the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP), which is an important resource that leverages federal dollars with local and state support. Programs like DCIP ensure our critical defense infrastructure, both on-and-off base, is ready for the impact of climate change. The resilience of our military installations and defense infrastructure must be viewed as a regional problem transcending the traditional boundaries between a military installation and community. The impacts of climate change, including floods, storms, wildfires, and sea-level rise do not stop at fence-lines, and neither must our solutions. “
-Tim Ford, ADC CEO