Four members of the House Defense Communities Caucus are soliciting colleagues’ signatures for a letter asking defense appropriators to adequately fund the Defense Community Infrastructure Program in fiscal year 2023.
“These projects support service members and their families, bolster readiness, and improve security. They also enhance the military value, resilience, or military family quality of life at installations,” Reps. Marilyn Strickland (D-Wash.), Jason Crow (D-Colo.), Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Elaine Luria (D-Va.) wrote last week in a “Dear Colleague” note asking for other members to sign onto their letter. “Investing in the communities around military bases is the right thing to do for military families and for national security.”
ADC members are encouraged to ask their House delegation to sign onto the letter. Congressional offices who want to sign the letter to show their support for a robust DCIP budget can reach out to the offices of Strickland, Crow, Smith or Luria by April 25.
Army Corps of Engineers photo by Jason Colbert