Military spouses’ satisfaction with the military lifestyle has dropped to 49%, according to DOD data released earlier this month, as reported. The data is based on a DOD survey conducted from July through November 2021, when pandemic disruptions were still high.
Those saying they wanted their family to stay in the military was at 54%, down from 68% in 2012 and 59% in 2019.
“We’re not really sure what’s going on there, but today, largely, you need two incomes, and military families are no different,” said Kelly Hruska, director of government relations at the National Military Family Association. “The stresses of moves, having difficulty finding employment, and, well, when we are at war, there was a clear mission. When you don’t have a war, it’s a little harder to define ‘Why are we doing all this?’”
Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Samuel Ellis