by ADC | Apr 29, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, On Base
For the frontline workers manning the nation’s hospitals during the pandemic, many are dealing with severe levels of stress as they watch the American health system become inundated by coronavirus. The trauma many are experiencing in hospitals is being compared to...
by ADC | Apr 29, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, On Base
States and territories “need to develop plans for a careful, staged reopening that protects the public’s health while laying a strong foundation for long-term economic recovery,” according to a report from the National Governors Association and the Association of...
by ADC | Apr 29, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, On Base
In a new state partnership with OptumServe Health Services, Indiana National Guard armories are providing free coronavirus testing for anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, Journal and Courier reports. Testing will start at National Guard armories and expand to 30 testing...
by ADC | Apr 29, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, General, On Base
The Pain Points Poll, a rolling survey of service families, veterans and community leaders is how CMSI understands the challenges defense communities are facing during the COVID-19 outbreak. Please take the survey to report on the impact the pandemic is having for the...
by ADC | Apr 29, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, Military Families, On Base
Service members, their families and leaders from activated Vermont National Guard units got a chance to meet in a recent virtual town hall hosted by the Guard, according to a DVIDS story. The Guard’s Family Programs section organized the event to help families get...
by ADC | Apr 28, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, On Base
The Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport at Forney Field in Missouri has become a critical transportation hub for service members coming to and going from nearby Fort Leonard Wood, GUIDON reported. Soldiers who have completed training at Fort Leonard Wood, for...
by ADC | Apr 28, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, On Base
Teams from Delta’s Technical Operations division are converting 40-foot shipping containers into reusable hospital care pods that can be attached inside U.S. military aircraft. The units are intended to help quarantine service members who have contracted COVID-19...
by ADC | Apr 28, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, On Base
In a recent letter to Vice President Mike Pence, two U.S. Senators and seven members of Congress from Washington State outlined the crucial need to provide “comprehensive, national strategy for COVID-19 testing.” The letter cites experts anticipating a minimum 500,000...
by ADC | Apr 28, 2020 | COVID-19, DC360, Military Families, On Base
Military families facing new challenges during the COVID-19 outbreak are reporting higher levels of anxiety and looking for ways to practice self-care to relieve stress, according to panelists on CMSI’s Tuesday town hall, “Self-Care and Resiliency for Military...