ADC Golf Tournament, Member Donations Help Serve Special Ops Members

December 21, 2023

Proceeds from ADC’s inaugural charity golf tournament in November and individual donations from ADC members will continue helping Operation Healing Forces serve Special Operations Forces into 2024, according to Elizabeth Christiana, corporate and foundations relationship manager.

ADC President Karen Holt presented the Orlando-based organization with a check for $10,000 during last month’s Installation Innovation Forum X.

“Your generous donation will help OHF provide vital programs and resources that empower the mental, physical, emotional and fiscal well-being for a segment of America’s [service members] that serves at the tip of the spear and endures great hardships and sacrifices as a result,” Christiana told On Base.

The organization’s website notes that Special Operations Forces make up less than 5% of the total force but have the highest rate of casualty, divorce and illness across the services.

“OHF’s Therapeutic Retreat Program provides opportunities for Special Operations Forces couples and caregivers to prioritize their mental and emotional health and find healing.”

December 21, 2023

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