Pentagon Works to Raise Awareness of Public Service Opportunities

June 28, 2024

DOD’s top personnel leaders say they are trying to raise public awareness about public service opportunities in the military and the civilian sector, according to a DOD story.

“Public service is more than being in the military, and there are plenty of opportunities and ways for people to serve their community,” Ashish Vazirani, performing the duties of undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said last week at the Service for America Summit.

Vazirani said when people realize they aren’t able to serve in uniform, DOD points them to other organizations.

Shawn G. Skelly, performing the duties of Vazirani’s deputy, said at the same event that DOD also points people to local and state service.

“If you are inspired to serve, we, the federal government — in cooperation with the state governments and all those agencies that would like to avail America of the talented people who want to give [service] a try — should be loath to let you walk away after you bounce off of one opportunity to try,” Skelly said.

Marine Corps photo of Skelly by Lance. Cpl. Nathan Saucier

June 28, 2024

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