Inhofe Addresses ADC 2019 Defense Communities National Summit

June 11, 2019

Senate Armed Services Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.) addressed the 2019 Defense Communities National Summit Tuesday in a morning discussion session covering broad topics ranging from this year’s NDAA process to the nation’s current threat environment.
Prior to diving into defense issues, he opened his remarks with praise for ADC and its mission in supporting communities and installations across the country.
“I want to start with expressing that you guys need to know how great you are,” Inhofe told attendees. “Some of the things you are doing are involved in gaining national attention. There is a sense of pride in having a military installation in your community, and it goes to the job you’re doing to get the benefits it brings.”
Below are a few highlights of Inhofe’s comments:

  • On the Fiscal 2020 NDAA: “You all care about a strong national defense,” Inhofe said. “I encourage you to go back to your representatives and senators and tell them you support the bipartisan National Defense Strategy that calls for defense spending at $750 billion.”
  • On the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP): “In the 2019 NDAA, we authorized $100 million in funding, and we reauthorized that level again in 2020,” Inhofe said. “We also reauthorized the program to require that communities will need about 30% matching funds, and communities should have an interest in pursuing projects.”
  • On Problems with Privatized Military Housing: Inhofe said the Senate’s 2020 NDAA included three priorities: increased oversight of military housing; increased accountability of privatized housing firms; and authorization to withhold funds from under-performing housing contractors.
  • On Future BRAC Rounds: Inhofe emphasized that considering the current political and budget environment, “there will be no BRAC rounds” in the coming year.

ADC photo by Will Noonan

June 11, 2019

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