The CARES Act provided $17.2 billion to the Department of Veterans Affairs to address hardships Veterans are facing during the crisis; $300 million will go to programs to aid Veterans are facing, or are at-risk, to homelessness.
The specific funding will be allocated to three VA programs: Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program, Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program, and Health Care for Homeless Veterans Program. The bulk of the funding, $202 million, will fund the first program which provides emergency housing and homelessness prevention assistance to low-income Veteran families.
“The funds from the CARES Act are vital and will allow VA to continue working diligently to prevent the spread of infection in communities and keep Veterans safe and on the pathway to permanent housing during this perilous time,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie.
Full listings of the programs can be found here.
Photo by Department of Defense