Inside the House NDAA Draft Up for Debate

June 22, 2022

The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday will consider Chair Adam Smith’s (D-Wash.) version of the fiscal year 2023 defense authorization bill. Here are some of the provisions included in his bill, based on the text, a summary and media reports:

  • 6% pay increase for service members, the highest in 20 years but still below current and projected inflation rates
  • Continuation of the Defense Community Infrastructure Program with language “to add properties subject to leases and easements with military installations to the permissible recipients”
  • Requirement of a DOD report on how to fairly calculate the basic allowance for housing
  • Requirement that the military services brief Congress before extending lease terms for privatized miliary housing
  • $113 million for the Defense Innovation Unit, roughly $46 million more than the Pentagon requested
  • Establishment of a military-civilian consortium to make recommendations on military education
  • Defueling of the Navy’s Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in Hawaii and tracking of the health effects of last year’s fuel leak

The committee markup will stream online starting at 10 a.m. Eastern time. Follow all On Base coverage of the defense authorization bill here.

Army photo

June 22, 2022

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