In Our Communities

May 22, 2024

Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico and the U.S. Forest Service unveiled upgrades last week at Albuquerque Air Tanker Base to increase the speed, efficiency and readiness of tankers outfitted to douse the dangerous flames. “Team Kirtland is happy to be able assist in this very vital mission,” said Col. Michael Power, 377th Air Base Wing and Installation Commander. “With Kirtland’s excellent location in north central New Mexico, it makes it a perfect home to be able to reach most trouble spots in the state and the region and be able to help New Mexico’s neighbors when needed.”…

The National Military Family Association is holding its fifth annual virtual programming and the second year of Operation Purple Summer Challenge, a free, from-anywhere experience to stay connected and have fun with military kids and families across the globe for nine weeks this summer. Starting June 2, participants will meet virtually every Friday in a “Global Gathering” to share the past week’s adventures with one another.

Air force photo by Allen Winston

May 22, 2024

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